Tuesday, May 20, 2008


IF - Wide

"Open wide!"

Watercolor and ink by Miz K


Amarettogirl said...

I love this - and what a great response to the 'wide' prompt!!! -amarettogirl


Rui Sousa said...

great work, really nice!

harry bell said...

Nice squid! And very nice illustration.

Ellen said...


Bee said...

Always impressed how well you use watercolour, getting such a strong effect from it whilst retaining the quality of the media (and the squid is always appealing!)

Patrick said...

Wow, when squids figure out how to use tools, we bipeds are gonna be in real trouble. I get the feeling this little wriggler isn't going to be passing on that knowledge though. Very cool piece.

Emily said...

super cute! I like the bubbly lines!